Creative Envy

Tuesday, November 18, 2008, 9:35 pm
Filed under: projects | Tags: , , ,

Since my chair hunt is looking pretty close to finished (pending the refinishing and cushions), I am now on a mission to find a coffee table for my living room. I really love the peekaboo clear table from CB2; however, I don’t want to spend the money on it. I realize it’s not SUPER expensive but I know I can find something for less that’s just as cool.

CB2 peekaboo coffee table

CB2 peekaboo coffee table


My other thought, which is vintage me, is that I can fashion something out of a selvaged piece. Here are two examples that I’m extremely envious of. This first one is made out of an old card catalog, which provides added storage space.


Then there’s this kick-ass table, made from an old apartment building’s bank of mailboxes. I adore this.


Another option is to just make one from scratch. Granted, I’ve never built anything before but I have it in my head that I could pull it off. I found this really cool plan on one of Make magazine’s digital editions. Perhaps I can bribe my dad or brother to help me with it when I’m home for Thanksgiving or Christmas since they have power tools and know how to build things (grunt grunt). It’s completely made of plywood and there is no hardware involved. It all connects via wood cuts and pegs.


So the new hunt is on.

Sunday, November 16, 2008, 6:52 pm
Filed under: projects | Tags: , , , ,

I’ve decided that this year for my Christmas shopping I am going indie. I am pledging that all the gifts I purchase for my loved ones will be obtained from independent shops, not chains. I’ll be looking to places like Etsy and local Columbus retailers in addition to making things by hand myself. There’s not really a deep-seeded reason behind this other than wanting to support small, local businesses as well as DIY-ers who are trying to make a living, especially in this crappy economy.

There’s a great website called Buy Handmade where you can sign your name pledging to only purchase handmade items and requesting others to do the same for you over the holidays. I would love to sign this; however, in good conscience, I don’t think I can totally commit to ALL handmade items (I do have men to shop for and I feel that can be a bit more challenging). But I still think it’s a great idea so if you want to make the pledge yourself, you should check it out. Plus you get to put this cute little banner on your site.

I Took The Handmade Pledge!