Creative Envy

Friday, January 1, 2010, 10:28 pm
Filed under: random | Tags:

I’m moving! Or rather, I’ve moved! I’ve got new digs here: I hope you’ll start following me over there as I close the doors on this site. Same old posts, just in shiny new clothes. See you on the flip side!

HAPPY 2010.
Thursday, December 31, 2009, 4:46 pm
Filed under: random | Tags:

2009 has been a crazy year. Lots of ups and downs and all arounds for me. Things that at first felt horrible truly turned out for the best and I am better off in the long run. I’m looking forward to the new year. Resolving to be healthier, happier, and as creative as possible.

Happy New Year, everyone! As always, thanks for reading.*

*Planning to launch something new in the next week. Stay tuned.

Saturday, December 26, 2009, 2:28 pm
Filed under: random | Tags:

Hope you’re all enjoying this holiday weekend (and next). Beck and I have been maxing and relaxing after a month of preparations and craziness. To be honest, that’s the part I enjoy most. Now that it’s partway over, I’m somewhat bummed. But I’ll take this day of non-activity. It’s about 2:30 and I’m still in my pajamas. No complaints here.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009, 8:42 pm
Filed under: projects | Tags: ,

I decided not to go as overboard as I did last year in terms of gift wrapping for Christmas; however, I did go slightly nuts. Just not as labor-intensive. I used both kraft and white paper as my base and then used this decorative packaging tape as a faux ribbon (it also makes it that much more challenging to actually open the gift). Then, playing off the garland I did on my tree (Starbucks-inspired) I made little ornament gift tags out of the same felt. I did some freehand embellishments on a couple of the gifts just for fun and I’m okay with the fact that it looks a bit kid-like. That’s the point of this season, isn’t it?

I’ll be checking in here and there over the next couple of weeks but not all that much as I’ll be home relaxing with friends and family. Happy holidays!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 4:21 pm
Filed under: art envy | Tags: , ,

Just picked up one of these prints by artist Jennifer Sanchez as an early Christmas present to myself. I’m in love with the colors and style.

ny.08.#14 by Jennifer Sanchez

In fact, I’m half-tempted to redecorate a room in my apartment using this piece as the inspiration. I’m picturing white walls with bright pop-colored accessories.

Thanks to 20×200 for having such amazing artwork at affordable prices.

Monday, December 7, 2009, 11:20 pm
Filed under: projects | Tags: ,

Yesterday was deck the halls day here and compared to last year, it took considerably less time. Perhaps because my new Christmas tree is miniature (Joann’s idea of 4′ and my idea of 4′ are apparently very different). I tossed around the idea of buying a real tree to replace my now pitiful artificial one but in the interest of time and overall laziness I decided to opt for this white pre-lit fakey. I thought it would be fun and would go well with my living room color scheme. Oh, and please don’t make fun of my disproportionate star topper. I may swap it out for something else but it works for now.

It’s much easier to control my illness of feeling like I need to hand-make EVERYTHING when it’s on a smaller scale like this. Alongside some standard white ornaments, I also made some little fabric lollipops based on these instructions from design sponge.

Inspired by Starbucks’ holiday decor this year, I made some garland out of red firm crafting felt. I drew some random pattern down one side and then mirrored it down the other, cut out some shapes in the middle and voila! Kinda time consuming but I love the result. I had some extra fabric and floral supplies leftover, so I decided to fill a glass bottle with some extra lollies. (That’s some decorative packing tape wrapped around the middle.)

I found this adorable bird fabric at Joanns yesterday but had no idea what to do with it. So I just finished off the edges on my sewing machine and slapped it on my table for a mini tablecloth.

A few weeks back I bought this sweet rudolph wrapping paper at On Paper and knew that it was too pretty to be put on a present, ripped off, and thrown out. So I decided to wrap up my infamous wall tiles to make it look like a present (This was NOT easy to get back up on the wall. See here.) I took some of the same craft felt and made a fake ribbon to go on top. Stuck it up there with double-sided tape and presto change-o!

It felt great to get all this done in one day. Now the small detail of those Christmas presents I have yet to start on.

Thursday, December 3, 2009, 11:56 pm
Filed under: five faves | Tags: ,


1. I am a sucker for a good bag, but normally I go for very graphic ones. Bags that are bright, patterned, and unique. I’ve decided that it’s high time I get a ‘big girl’ purse. Not that I don’t still love all my quirky satchels, I do. But I love this one by Fossil. I “tried it on” in the store and it’s a great shape, size and fits under my arm nicely. It’s also got that pattern flair…but on the inside.

2. Yeah, yeah, I already have an iPhone. But I call it the dinosaur of iPhones because it’s a first generation. And anyone who is familiar with Apple stuff, everything gets outdated pretty much within 6 months after buying it. It’s super annoying but I have accepted that’s how they roll. Needless to say, I am still on The Edge network and it is like being on an old school dial up modem if I want to look something up online and there’s no Wi-Fi to access. My contract is up for renewal so I can get a “deal” on one of the newer models. My friend said I should wait till next summer for the next generation. If you know me, you know patience is not one of my qualities. Therefore, I’d love to have one of these iPhone gift cards that Apple is pushing to upgrade.

3. Stocking stuffer! I was recently at my friend’s house in Cleveland and she had this Mentha hand soap by C.O. Bigelow. I have tried the uber tingly Mentha chapstick (whew, that’s strong) but had never seen the hand soap (that store is dangerous for me so I stay away). It smells great and is very refreshing on your hands.

4. This one is already happening, I just need to pull the trigger on my renewal. I have posted before about Uppercase Magazine, but it is truly one of the best magazines to come into my life. It’s like Janine Vangool personally came knocking on my door and said, “Carrie, what would YOU like to see in a magazine?” and then just delivered it to my doorstep every three months. Thanks for starting this, Janine!

5. I am on the hunt for a proper winter coat. Not necessarily this one (I just picked it because of its pretty silhouette and have no clue if it’s even warm). The problem is, I have some requirements that make it all but impossible. Here’s what I want: interesting silhouette (see above), made out of a material that won’t easily pill or attract every fuzzball within a 10-foot radius, able to pass for dressy or casual, unique in color or pattern but still go with everything, flattering, affordable and SUPER WARM. Oh, is that all? Yep.


I’m pretty sure he’d be happy with: a few stuffed animals he can destroy, helping me tear the paper off my presents, a peanut butter-filled bone, wall-to-wall carpeting, and my promise that I’ll never touch his front paws ever again. But I’m imposing my own wish for him because his green collar is looking ratty. The little man needs a new one that suits him and I think this is a good choice, made by PB&J’s World on Etsy.

Sunday, November 29, 2009, 9:58 pm
Filed under: craft envy, design envy, Etsy | Tags: , ,

My parents and I popped in to Rochester’s Second Storie indie market last Saturday to check it out. It was pretty great and very similar to Columbus’ Tiny Canary event. It’s always so inspiring to see people making their living (or just some extra money) through handmade goods and art.

These were some of my favorite vendors at Second Storie.

Based in Portland, Oregon self-taught photographer Abby takes pictures of her everyday using old film cameras she’s picked up in thrift shops. I was completely drawn to the subject matter of her prints as well as the color tones in her work. They are vivid yet still have that vintage softness that I am so drawn to. I picked up a pack of her winter card prints.

Foundling’s owner Betsy creates jewelry using pages from old books, vintage patterned fabrics, timeworn beads, and recycled silver. I am in love with her product photography style and have my eye on this necklace and these pins. (Great site too).

Dani and CharLee are the design team behind Pearl & Marmalade’s charming cards and stationery. Their designs and sentiments really stand out to me in the ever-growing world of letterpress. I love their little manifesto too:

We love shadowy grey inks, lively greens, Jane Austen, thoughtful typesetting, Cy Twombly, fresh cut peonies, clean lines, whiskey & gingerale, quirky graphics, vintage trophies & Vera textiles, NYC bagels, salt water taffy, square knots, and a rich cup of Intelligentsia coffee on Sunday mornings in mighty Chicago.

Overall, it was a great show and I gathered up lots of business cards so I don’t forget to keep up with the vendors. I’ll definitely go back next year.

Friday, November 27, 2009, 11:31 am
Filed under: random | Tags:

I know I’m a day late but better now than never.

I am thankful for:

1. My ever supportive family.
2. Friends who get me.
3. The best dog that has ever lived.
4. My health.
5. Being able to follow my dream of self-employment thanks to unbelievable friends and colleagues who have referred business to me unprompted.
6. Being back home where I get to de-stress and sleep like a log because my Dad gets up and takes out said best dog that has ever lived for me each morning.
7. Throwing my healthy eating out the window for a long weekend in favor of rich, bad-for-me food.
8.Creativity because where would I be without it?
9. Readers like you who continue to check out my blog and inspire me to continue down the path I’ve chosen.
10. Elastic waistbands (see #7).

Friday, November 20, 2009, 4:24 pm
Filed under: design envy | Tags: , , ,

P henomenal is the only word that comes to mind over and over as I browse the work of artist Jessica Hische. Did you like that initial cap P I put right there? Cuz Jessica designed it. It is part of her current project called Daily Drop Cap, in which she is offering a new hand-crafted decorative initial cap everyday for our enjoyment or for “the beautification of blog posts everywhere”. Amazing idea.

I proceeded to get on Jessica’s website that showcases her work and my jaw hit the desktop when I got to the home page. Just the home page! Jessica’s style is right up my alley. It’s decorative and sweet and sophisticated and smart and simple and fancy and organized and vintage and classic. That’s a lot of adjectives, sorry. I was just gushing as I went through it. This girl is beyond talented! I’m not joking when I say her work literally raised my heart rate and kinda got me choked up because it’s so great to know that there are people out there creating such beautiful things.

Jessica’s passion is typography which is something I truly admire because type is tricky and she makes it look effortless. She reminds me a lot of one of my favorites, Marian Bantjes. Not only does she appear to know how to use type, the girl actually creates her own from scratch! Beyond that, she’s just obviously a kick-ass designer and illustrator.

Artists like Jessica inspire me like crazy. I love discovering people like her because they remind me of the quality of work for which I will continue to strive. Jessica also has a blog (that I will now be subscribing to).

An enormous “THANK YOU” is due to Christina over at Christina Likes for posting about the Daily Drop Cap project, introducing me to Jessica’s work.